Dear Survivor:

Dear Survivor,

It was never your responsibility to take on other people’s crap. More than likely, this role was forced onto you when you were too young to have a choice and say no. You didn’t have the key to let yourself out of that prison then, but you do now. You hold the key and have the power to make choices freely. You are not a victim anymore, even if it feels like it sometimes. I am so sorry you felt trapped in that prison for so long. How hard it must have been to believe you were responsible for other people’s happiness and that you were unloveable just as you are? How tragic that you learned that to be loved you had to lock your beautiful, fiery, sweet soul away. They were wrong. You are lovable just as you are. You are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness or behaviors. Please fly free. It is your time to be you and to be loved for exactly who you are.

If you feel you are in an abusive relationship, live in North Carolina and are considering counseling, contact me at 336-901-2999 for a free phone consultation. If you need immediate support please call the 24 hour National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or, if you fear for your safety, please call 911 now.


Are you Experiencing Narcissistic Abuse?


Domestic Violence is about Power and Control, not Anger